Day 7. A Day of Rest

Yesterday, Susan, a friend who has been travelling and walking with in the past week went home to Nottingham and Rachel, another friend, who'll be joining me for the second week, won't arrive until tomorrow. So today I have the cottage on Budle Bay to myself. I woke early, about 4.30am, the view across the bay to Lindisfarne is so beautiful I can't bring myself to draw the blind in my bedroom, so |I wake with the dawn. Early waking has become a bit of a routine for me anyway, five or six hours sleep the norm, I don't know why, and mostly I don't fuss about it. In true Hobbit tradition, I may have 'first breakfast' in bed, then fall back to sleep, before getting up for 'second breakfast' and starting the day. But, here on Budle Bay I'm out of the cottage by five, without breakfast. The tide is right in, filling the bay with water, and I cut through the dunes walking through head high ferns, the morning air full of the scent of wild roses and vo...